
VERT FORUM 2025 - March 20th, 2025  !! SAVE THE DATE !!

Location & Conference Program to be communicated soon

MDEC Conference 21-24 October Sudbury, Canada

VERT will partecipate with a presentation on the HORIZON AeroSolfd project & WORKSHOP on Diesel Particle emissions reduction and retrofit link to MDEC Conference program (

September 27th, 2024 

VERT is very pleased to announce WRCAQ - Westminster Commission for Road Air Quality as new Associate Member.

September 11th, 2024 

VERT is very pleased to announce CERTH - The Centre for Research & Technology, Hellas as new Associate Member.

May 6th

VERT is pleased to announce the partnership with the Environmental Action Germany (Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. - DUH) 


April 25, 2024

The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA)  investigates Ford

The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) is investigating Ford for possible defects in diesel particulate filters. According to a report in the magazine "Auto Motor und Sport", the KBA is investigating whether the car manufacturer's particulate filters fulfil the durability requirements or whether it is a series defect. A conspicuous number of Ford cars fail the emissions test. The KBA in Germany is taking a closer look. KBA has been keeping an eye on Ford for some time - Since 1 July 2023, the new periodic technical inspection procedure  (NPTI) has been used to measure the actual particles (PN) in the exhaust gas. Since then, a large number of Ford models have failed the TÜV emissions test (


April 24th, 2024

VERT is very excited to announce the partnership with CITA - The International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee -


The partnership between CITA and VERT® is a strategic alignment of missions that amplifies the efforts to combat environmental and health impacts caused by vehicle emissions.

VERT®, in fact, dedicates itself to promoting the best available technology for emission control, particularly technologies that mitigate ultrafine particle emissions. These particles are known for their significant health hazards and environmental impact, contributing to global warming and respiratory issues.It sets itself apart by advocating for advanced emission measurement technologies—shifting from traditional particle mass count to particle number measurement. This approach acknowledges the disproportionate impact of ultrafine particles, despite their minimal mass, on health. VERT®’s rigorous standards and certification processes, including the VERT® Label and the VERT® filter list, ensure that only the highest quality emission control technologies are recognized and promoted. This partnership not only supports traffic pollution reduction programs worldwide but also promotes clean urban mobility solutions“  More on the  CITA website (


February 20, 2024

the Council of the EU released a press release that discusses the agreement reached by the Council and Parliament to strengthen air quality standards in the EU. The new standards are expected to improve air quality and reduce premature deaths. They will be reviewed regularly and could be further strengthened in the future.

EU lawmakers have joined forces to strengthen air quality standards by 2030. These new, stricter limits and targets align more closely with World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations and will be subject to regular review. The updated directive tackles a range of air pollutants, including fine particles (PM2.5 and PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and even toxic metals like arsenic and lead. Each pollutant has its own specific standard, with the most significant reductions targeting those posing the greatest health risks. For example, annual limits for PM2.5 and NO2 will be more than halved, dropping from 25 µg/m³ to 10 µg/m³ and 40 µg/m³ to 20 µg/m³, respectively.